More about Mariana

Mariana has been an artist all her life, so she has about 50 years of making art! She is/has been also an Illustrator, Graphic Designer, Web-designer, (has a degree in Commercial Art) Social Media Creator, book creator, apparel designer, textile designer/maker, etc. Mariana has worked throughout her life with multiple media including: Drawing and painting, Print making, Collage, Papier maché, Ceramics, Vitro fusion (glass fusing), Mosaics, Textiles , Sewing and Jewelry making. She made and sold her art in these mediums and most recently spent her time creating at her own Ceramics business: O-Ceramics.

Art making later became teaching art and crafts to children and adults in private studios and school settings. Some of these experiences with children: Homeschooling groups facilitator of artistic and educational activities, music, games and yoga with kids. Member of organizational board at Waldorf school in CR and many years of accompanying her son’s education, learning about Anthroposophy and Waldorf Pedagogy and volunteering at Waldorf schools. Mariana had her own Art studio where she hosted and facilitated a variety of Art & Healing Arts workshops for all ages.

Mariana has traveled and lived in many places, her most significant experience was living in the South Caribbean Costa Rican rainforest. Having these mind and heart opening life experiences have been an important part of her life journey. Through exploring & experiencing different healing modalities in her own transformation and healing path, Mariana discovered her passion in helping others to know themselves, express themselves, transform themselves by getting back to their true essence, and find their own unique gifts. Some of Mariana’s personal experiences and healing practices among countless books, workshops and individual & group experiences: Meditation techniques, hypnosis, past life regressions, Energy clearings, Hatha yoga, Kundalini Yoga, kineseology, Floral Essences, Concientización Energética con Carlos Lopez, Family Constellations Systems workshops, GaiaYoga meditation, group circles of sacred sounds and songs, Yoga of the voice, ( and music & dance; Afro-brazilian dance, Haitian dance, West African dance & percussion, Five rhythms, Taller de Música Ancestral, etc.) Other Professional trainings: Expressive Arts Therapy (Creative Connection) with Graciela Bottini at IEATA Argentina. Barbara Brennan - Hands on healing & personal Transformation.